Technisium SIT 2024

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  • Two participants per team
  • The event will be held in two rounds
    1. Preliminary round
    Participants will be given a written test which consists of technical questions, the duration of which will be 20 minutes. Based on the cutoff, teams will be selected for the final round.
    2. Final round
    ➢ Selected teams will be divided into batches, and will be allowed to play the game batch-wise.
    ➢ Each batch will be given a time duration of 45 minutes to play the game.
    ➢ Players are engaged in a snake and ladder game, where players move across the board
    ➢ Each number will have different colours. Different tasks(questions/activities) will be given based on the colour of the game board.
    ➢ Each batch will have 5/6 teams based on requirements Each question will have a time limit of 45 secs.
    ➢ One of the team members will be on the board while the other will throw the die. However, both team members can discuss and answer the question.
    ➢ +2 steps will be taken for every right answer whereas -2 steps will be taken for every wrong answer given as well as no answer given
    ➢ At the end of 45 mins, whichever team is at the highest block number will be the winner of the batch
  • ➢ One team from each batch will play the final round time duration of the game is 20 mins and the time given to answer the question is 30 seconds.
    ➢ Decision of the judges and coordinators are final.

Venue : MEL306

Time : 9:00 am

Date : 04/05/2024


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